All 11th grade students are required to take the SAT Test at CHS in the spring - no registration is necessary. Students may take additional tests on their own time by registering and paying online.

External LinkRegister for the SAT via College Board

TEST: August 24
Deadline: August 9
Late Deadline: August 13

TEST: October 5
Deadline: September 20
Late Deadline: September 24

TEST: November 2
Deadline: October 18
Late Deadline: October 22

TEST: December 7
Deadline: November 22
Late Deadline: November 26

TEST: March 8
Deadline: February 21
Late Deadline: February 25

TEST: May 3
Deadline: April 18
Late Deadline: April 22

TEST: June 7
Deadline: May 22
Late Deadline: May 27

You're eligible for fee waivers if you say "yes" to any of the following:

  • You're enrolled in or eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
  • Your annual family income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
  • You're enrolled in a federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families (e.g., Federal TRIO programs such as Upward Bound).
  • Your family receives public assistance.
  • You live in federally subsidized public housing or a foster home, or are homeless.
  • You are a ward of the state or an orphan.

If you think you're eligible, contact your counselor for a fee waiver. 

Grand Rapids Tutors

External LinkACT or SAT Test Preparation - 1 on 1 instruction with a custom designed course to fit your needs.  $50-$60/hour


External LinkSAT/ACT Prep Course - Part 1 - 6 week online course (Instructor Led or Self-Paced) to prep you for both the test, as well as time management, anxiety relief, scoring, and general standardized test-taking. $125

External LinkSAT/ACT Prep Course - Part 2 - 6 week online (Instructor Led or Self-Paced) course to prep you for both the test, as well as time management, anxiety relief, scoring, and general standardized test-taking. $125


External LinkSAT On Demand - 30 minute video lessons you can watch anywhere, anytime. $250

External LinkSAT Test Prep - Live Online - 18 hours of live instruction and a host of resources, accessed from your device. $799+

External LinkUnlimited Prep -Unlimited ACT, SAT, AP and PSAT classes through December of your senior year$1999+

Khan Academy

External LinkOfficial SAT Practice - FREE web-based material, including learning labs, video tutorials, practice questions and practice tests.

Sylvan Learning Center

External LinkSAT Test Prep - includes teacher-led instruction (available in-center or via live, online sessions), independent practice, a robust website with resources, thousands of video tutorials and multiple SAT practice tests.

The Princeton Review

External LinkSAT, ACT or Both? - In this session they will discuss the truths and misconceptions, similarities and differences, and the strategies that improve scores on both tests.  

External LinkDigital SAT Strategy Session - Students will learn basic strategies which will help improve scores on their next practice or official exam.