Kraft Meadows Intermediate School
Student Clubs & Groups
Please note: Students can sign up to join only ONE of the following clubs that are offered at KMIS:
Kiwanis Builders Club
Be Nice. Club
Peer-to-Peer / Links
Principal’s Cal Spirit Club
Singing Scots Club
Please Note: Clubs that meet in the morning begin at 7:25 AM. Our buses arrive at Kraft just prior to 7:20 AM, so students who ride the bus are here in time for those morning meetings. Students check in with their homeroom teacher at 7:20 and then attend their meeting until homeroom is over at 7:50 AM.
Kiwanis Builders Club
Description: Kiwanis Builders Club is a student-led community service organization. The objectives of the group are to foster caring, empathy, and good character in students and to develop students’ service and leadership skills.
Meeting Dates: Once a month on Friday’s (some months x2) starting in late September
Meeting Time: 7:25 am-7:50 am
Meeting Location: KMIS Library
Advisor: Mrs. Alexander
Be Nice Club
Description: A group of students, with the support of staff, whose purpose is to promote an inclusive and welcoming community in which every individual is valued and respected. The “Be Nice Club” is also responsible for teaching, promoting, and keeping the Be Nice. action plan vibrant in our building and community.
Meeting Dates: Every other Friday (Starting Late September)
Meeting Time: 7:25 AM- 7:50 AM
Meeting Location: KMIS Training center
Advisors: Mrs. Green, Mrs. Heaton
Peer-to-Peer / LINKS
Description: The student enrolled in the Peer-to-Peer/LINKS will be a mentor, role model, and friend to a student with a disability. In this role, the Peer-to-Peer/LINKS students will be with their assigned peer for a small period of time for a few days/up to every day per week. (Possible times will be during Homeroom, Unified Sports activities, lunch/recess). Peers/LINKS will learn about different disabilities and how to interact with peers/classmates who may have a disability.
Meeting Dates: Approximately 2 times per month with Advisor (Starting in October)
Meeting Time: 7:25 AM -7:50 AM
Meeting Location: KMIS Training Center
Advisor: Mr. Bont
Principal’s Cal Spirit Club
Description: The Cal Spirit Club is designed to provide leadership opportunities to our students. They help organize student events, dress-up days, and assist with service projects throughout the school and community. This group will work on service projects, promote our PBIS and Capturing Kids Hearts expectations, and provide student perspective with everything associated with KMIS.
Meeting Dates: Approximately 1 time per month (Starting in October)
Meeting Time: This group will meet during student lunch/recess
Meeting Location: KMIS Training Center
Advisor: Mr. Stecco and Mr. Uy
Singing Scots Club
Description: This ensemble is open to 5th & 6th grade music/choir students who want to have additional experience performing and singing together. Opportunities include singing at the 6th grade concerts and the 5th grade concert.
Meeting Dates: Monday’s (beginning in October - schedule to be sent late September)
Meeting Time: 7:25am-7:50am
Meeting Location: KMIS Choir Room
Advisor: Mr. Oostdyk
The following two groups meet AFTER school. Parents must be able to pick their child up from KMIS at 3:40 PM sharp.
AMBY (A More Beautiful You)
Description: AMBY is a mentoring program that matches outstanding high school mentors in a 1:1 relationship with KMIS girls to model responsibility, develop strong character, and create a sense of citizenship to others in the school/community.
Application Process: Students are introduced to the AMBY mentors during lunch hours in October and take registration forms home. Registration forms are returned to Mrs. Green.
Meeting Dates: Every other Wednesday - November thru March (Starting November)
Meeting Time: 2:35 PM - 3:40 PM (Parents must pick up their child)
Meeting Location: KMIS Library
Advisor: Mrs. Green
L.E.G.I.O.N. (League of Everyday Guys Inspiring our Neighbors)
Description: L.E.G.I.O.N. is a mentoring program that matches outstanding high school mentors in a 1:1 relationship with KMIS boys to model responsibility, develop strong character, and create a sense of citizenship to others in the school/community.
Application Process: Students are introduced to the L.E.G.I.O.N. mentors during lunch hours in October and take registration forms home. Registration forms are returned to Mrs. Green.
Meeting Dates: Every other Wednesday - November thru March (Starting November)
Meeting Time: 2:35 PM- 3:40 PM (Parents must pick up their child)
Meeting Location: KMIS Library
Advisor: Mrs. Green