EnrichED FAQ
Caledonia EnrichED is a non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the quality of educational enrichment opportunities at Caledonia Community Schools through the collaboration of parents, educators, and the community. Currently, two programs operate under our umbrella; Caledonia Caledonia Robotics and Caledonia RAD Drone.
- VEX GO 2nd-3rd grade
- VEX IQ 4th-6th grade
- MS VEX 7th-8th grade
- HS VEX 9th-12th grade
RAD Drone
- MS & HS RAD 7th-12th grade
Informational kick-off meetings are typically held prior to each season to educate parents on each Caledonia EnrichED Program, as follows:
- VEX GO April/May
- VEX IQ April/May
- VEX April/May
- RAD Drone April/May (registration in October)
Online registration opens the night of the information meeting for a limited number of weeks each year. Links can be found for each program on this website.
Each registration form provides team members the opportunity to request a friend and, for those returning, to remain on the same team. While these requests are considered, they are not guaranteed.
Teams will not be formed until 2 coaches (or 1 coach/mentor, in the case of HS VEX program) have been named for each team. Coaches are required to complete a background check.
All materials and equipment for teams, necessary to participate in competitions, will be provided, or funded by, each program. All Caledonia EnrichED team members are also provided with a t-shirt. The opportunity to purchase extra shirts for family members is often available for those interested.
Payments will be accepted online via Paypal or by check, made out to: "Caledonia Enriched" and mailed to PO Box 194, Caledonia, MI 49316. Please do not send or deliver money to school. All returned check fees will be the responsibility of the issuer.
2024-2025 RATES
- VEX GO $70
- VEX IQ $95
- MS VEX $100
- HS VEX $115
- RAD Drone $100
Caledonia EnrichED provides a limited number of scholarships to families who demonstrate significant financial need. Families may self-refer or be referred by school personnel or Caledonia EnrichED members. To be considered, please have a parent or guardian complete the following form.
Each team’s practice schedule and location is determined by the coaches, with input from the team.
2024-25 SCHEDULES (ALL dates subject to change)
VEX GO Robotics
- April 24 Information Night
- Sep-Nov Team Practices
- Nov Final Event
VEX IQ Robotics
- April 24 Information Night
- Sept-Jan Team Practices
- Nov-Jan Tournaments (team’s choice)
- March State Tournament @ Monroe
- May World Finals @ Dallas, TX
VEX Robotics
- April 24 Information Night
- Aug-Feb Team Practices
- Oct-Dec Leagues Meets (optional)
- Oct-Feb Tournaments (team’s choice)
- February HS State Tournament @ Kettering
- March MS State Tournament
- April World Finals @ Dallas, TX
RAD Drone
- April 24 Information Night
- Oct-Nov Registration
- Jan-March Team Practices
- Jan-March Tournaments (team’s choice)
- May Regional Championship @ Kettering
* only for teams that advance
VEX GO - Jessica Riedl
VEX IQ - Jill Arehart & Kristin Collins
MS VEX - Randi Jacobs
HS VEX - Dan Kurtz
RAD - Joachim Hochwarth & John Bernal
EnrichED - Board