College/Career Readiness


Beginning with the graduating class of 2022, Caledonia High School will adjust the way we celebrate academic success. CHS will no longer limit itself to celebrating the top 10 seniors, electing instead to expand the recognition of academic excellence. This change in practice is in alignment with what many other high schools are doing to recognize the academic achievements of students.

Rather than a numerical rank of students (Top 10, Valedictorian and Salutatorian), CHS will recognize academic success for the class of 2022 and beyond with the achievement categories listed below.

New CHS Honors Distinctions

  • Cum Laude (meaning "with honor") will be awarded to candidates whose grade point average is 3.300-3.499
  • Magna Cum Laude (meaning "with great honor") will be awarded to candidates whose grade point average is 3.500-3.999
  • Summa Cum Laude (meaning "with highest honor") will be awarded to candidates whose grade point average is 4.000 or higher

Honor Roll

Caledonia High School students earning a grade point average of:

  • 4.000 or above are named to the Highest Honor Roll
  • 3.500-3.999 are on the High Honor Roll
  • 3.300-3.499 GPA are on the Honor Roll