Caledonia High School does not administer the ACT Test. Those who wish to take it, should register and pay via the ACT site on their own. Tests are typically administered at a nearby school (Davenport, EK, EGR)
Register for the ACT online via ACT's official site.
ACT Test Dates [2023-24]
TEST: September 9
Deadline: August 4
Late Deadline: August 18
TEST: October 28
Deadline: September 22
Last Deadline: October 6
TEST: December 9
Deadline: November 3
Late Deadline: November 17
TEST: February 10
Deadline: January 5
Late Deadline: January 19
TEST: April 13
Deadline: March 8
Late Deadline: March 22
TEST: June 8
Deadline: May 3
Late Deadline: May 17
TEST: July 13
Deadline: June 7
Late Deadline: June 21
ACT Test Resources
ACT Test Preparation - has a page full of test preparation materials, including study guides, practice for each subject, webinars and more
ACT Support Materials - has support materials available on a wide range of subjects including registration, preparing for test day, using your results and more!
The Princeton Review's SAT, ACT or Both? (12/3/23) - In this session they will discuss the truths and misconceptions, similarities and differences, and the strategies that improve scores on both tests.
The Princeton Review's ACT Strategy Session (12/5/23) - Students will learn basic strategies which will help improve scores on their next practice or official exam.